Case Study Four: Somali Women in Countering Extremism


au-1-logoThe objective of the assignment was to assess the Somali women’s voices and current thinking on counter terrorism prior a conference to discuss the need to integrate a gender perspective in the counter-terrorism strategies.


The purpose of this research paper was to document gender dimensions of insecurity and to identify their potential roles in countering violent extremism in Somalia.


We produced a research report that entailed Qualitative and quantitative methods in 5 locations; Mogadishu, Kismayo, Belet Weyne, Baidoa, and Garowe which encompassed

    • Desk Research
    • Women’s Group Discussion
    • Focus Group Discussion
    • Key-Informant-Interviews

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Countering Al-Shabaab Propaganda and Recruitment Mechanisms in South Central Somalia

Farsight Africa Research (FAR) conducted a study on Countering Al-Shabaab Propaganda and Recruitment Mechanisms in South Central Somalia. FAR had been contracted by UNSOM which commissioned this study to support and inform the United Nations, the FGS and the international community in the development of programs and campaigns in partnership with local communities. Such programs would strengthen community resilience and build the capabilities of communities and Community Service Organizations (CSOs) against Al-Shabaab...Read More

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